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Shira Z. Carmel's newest adventure is an Avant-Groove Brass Band, standing (and dancing) on the thin line between Jazz, Art and Pop. This unusual ensemble features 6 brass and woodwinds players, a drummer and a singer-songwriter.
Finding inspiration in the classical brass quintets, jazz big-bands and the 1940s' cool jazz, arranger Orr Sinay dips Carmel's songs in a hot sauce of horns and drums that best befits her sultry voice and poetic lyrics. Carmel & Sinay met in the Jerusalem Music Academy, and it was musical love at first sight.
They now collaborate in this fascinating project, where Brass, Wind and Fire come together.
"Shira Z. Carmel's act is likely the best musical act in Israel today... One could say that Carmel hovers somewhere in the middle of a dodecahedron, whose faces include Tom Waits, Frederick Chopin, Kurt Weill, the Soft Machine, Jolie Holland, Regina Spector and, say, the Pixies, but that would be to say nothing about it." (+972 Magazine, about a live performance of Shira Z. Carmel)