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Climate change > migration > open islands

Sonntag 5. Juni, 17 Uhr

Präsentation & Gespräch mit Installations- und Aktionskünstler Joy Lohmann zu We See Heaven Upside Down.

'Climate change > migration > open-source DIY islands'
artist talk with Joy Lohmann, cocreator of "Open-Island" DIY recycled islands and cofounder of the "makers 4 humanity" collective.
Open Island video, live-3D printing process presentation/demonstration of modules in scale 1:20, artist talk and open discussion
free and open to the public
more info contact: Joy Lohmann at joy@joy-art.de

About Open Island:

The demand for floating islands rises with the sea-levels!“ The interdisciplinar Maker collective builds floating islands out of globalized trash and shares the benefits through open-source DIY-manuals, participatory events and island-construction camps. Open-Islands are floating platforms for flood prevention, agri- and aquaculture, energy production and sociocultural purposes that can be built everywhere to improve the lifes of the poorest and raise climate change resilience. Through its modular concept, cooperative process and creative aesthetics, the self-made islands and floating common grounds also function as symbols for a sharing-caring community, attracting, networking and training local people and partners to form humanitarian „for-benefit-groups“ within their community and environment.

NOVILLA – Hasselwerder Straße 22, Berlin Schöneweide

Reservierung / Info: moving poets 030-23925311 oder CONTACT